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Kuwada Syndrome

Kuwada Syndrome


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes aimed at creating the best possible conditions for the development of the fetus. However, a very interesting phenomenon is the excessive coaxing of pregnancy by the partner of the mother-to-be. In addition to the emotional connection, there are symptoms in the form of an enlarging abdominal girth or morning nausea. These symptoms are referred to as Kuwada syndrome. Find out what symptoms it gives and how to proceed.

Kuwada syndrome-what is it?

Kuwada Syndrome affects men whose partners are currently pregnant. The term comes from French and means “couver.” It is also translated as compassion syndrome. It most often affects men who are very attached to their partner. They develop symptoms that are twinned with those noticed in the mother-to-be. The causes of Kuwada syndrome are incompletely understood. There is a theory that they are most likely due to changes in the concentrations of hormones in the body such as, among others. prolactin, testosterone or cortisol. Interestingly, Kuvada Syndrome is not classified as a disorder or disease according to international scales such as. ICD.

Kuvada syndrome- symptoms

The symptoms of Kuvada syndrome in fathers-to-be are similar to those of a pregnant woman. It comes to morning nausea, vomiting, unusual food cravings or mood swings. In addition, the father-to-be experiences fatigue and excessive sleepiness or, conversely, sleep problems and insomnia. Headaches and backaches may also occur. Interestingly, in the course of Kuwada syndrome, there is often an enlargement of the abdominal girth in the father-to-be. The size of the breasts may also change, and the nipples may become more sensitive.

Kuvada syndrome-proceedings

There are no treatment guidelines when a man is diagnosed with Kuwada syndrome. The ailments associated with it usually pass after delivery, but in some cases the symptoms continue until the postpartum period, and a man may develop symptoms characteristic of postpartum depression. Among other things, combating the effects of Kuwada syndrome can help. psychotherapy. However, it is important not to underestimate the symptoms. The good news is that most men return to their partner’s pre-pregnancy state after delivery or postpartum.

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