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How to help yourself having bloating during pregnancy?

How to help yourself having bloating during pregnancy?


3 mins of reading

Ewa Żuchowska


Flatulence in pregnancy is one of the most common complaints during this period. Their cause is the accumulation of gas in the intestines. Pregnant women are more prone to their occurrence, due to changes in the digestive process to which hormones contribute. Flatulence in pregnancy can be combated with ad hoc remedies from the pharmacy. Physical activity is also an effective remedy for them.

A bloated belly during pregnancy is a normal occurrence. However, the problem arises when the accumulation of gas is accompanied by other, more worrisome symptoms. These include. Vomiting or diarrhea, which promote dehydration. In such situations, it is advisable to see a doctor. We suggest how to deal with unwanted gas and what for bloating in pregnancy is effective and safe for mom and baby.

Where does bloating come from during pregnancy?

Flatulence during pregnancy is a common phenomenon, as the woman’s body undergoes changes in hormonal balance and the digestive system slows down considerably. Thus, it processes meals more slowly and the faster it eats, the faster gas accumulates in its stomach. A bloated belly during pregnancy is also the result of swallowing air while eating food, and the result of constant constipation. Constipation, eating too fast and hormonal turmoil are not the only factors causing bloating during pregnancy. The ailment is also fostered by poor eating habits and lack of physical activity. Eating large amounts of fatty foods, or worse, legumes, can exacerbate unpleasant symptoms.

Also find out: Diarrhea in pregnancy – treatment. What does diarrhea in pregnancy mean?

Flatulence in pregnancy – associated symptoms

Painful bloating in pregnancy is easy to recognize, as its characteristic symptom is hardness in the abdomen and pain that can radiate to other parts of the body. The problem, however, is the symptoms accompanying the accumulation of gas, which can cause concern and often oblige you to see a specialist. These symptoms include nausea, heartburn and vomiting that promote dehydration. Persistent bloating during pregnancy is worth consulting a doctor, especially if the mother-to-be complains of weakness and general malaise.

How to deal with bloating during pregnancy?

Flatulence in pregnancy rarely requires typical drug treatment. They can be dealt with using home remedies or emergency over-the-counter preparations. A solution that can bring relief to pregnant women is to change their eating habits, giving up fatty and hard-to-digest foods, as well as bloating foods. A little physical activity is also useful.

However, the easiest way to deal with bloating at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as in its later stages, are mild pharmacy preparations.

  • Symethicone – available in the form of drops and oral capsules, eliminates abdominal gas fairly quickly. This is because it breaks up air bubbles in the intestines.
  • Fennel – facilitates the departure of accumulated gases through its windmilling action. It also facilitates digestion.
  • Chamomile – has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects on the digestive system. In addition, it exhibits diastolic properties, thus eliminating bloating and the pain caused by it. It is available in the form of a tea for brewing, dried herbs and oral tablets.
  • Cumin – although it has a peculiar taste and smell, it works very well on the digestive system. Accelerates the process of digestion of food, so there is no excessive accumulation of gas.
  • Drotaverin hydrochloride – is a substance with a strong diastolic effect. Eliminates abdominal pain and tension caused by bloating.

You can also buy herbal mixtures in pharmacies that have a diastolic effect and eliminate gas from the abdomen, but be sure to read the composition. Many herbs and substances must not be used during pregnancy because they could disrupt the course of pregnancy. Flatulence that does not subside despite the use of emergency medication is worth consulting a doctor.

Read also: Abdominal pain in pregnancy – causes, symptoms, treatment. What for the pain?

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