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How much does it really cost to store cord blood?

How much does it really cost to store cord blood?


3 mins of reading

Katarzyna Zasada

Katarzyna Zasada

At first, the cost of banking stem cells from a baby's cord blood may seem high. However, after carefully reading the offer and customizing it, it turns out that the price for safeguarding the health of a toddler is not at all as high as it might seem at first.

Stem cell therapy, which is derived from umbilical cord blood, is an established treatment method. Its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous studies and years of practice. It is used to treat birth defects and severe diseases, including cancer. Cord blood can be stored for many years – until it is needed or until the contract is terminated. Previous experience shows that time has no effect on its  properties.

Cord blood banking

Cord blood banking is a way to safeguard the health and life of your child. Thanks to stem cells that are taken at birth, therapeutic options for contracting serious diseases are increased. Today it is known that cord blood can be used to treat 80 diseases, such therapy has real benefits and prolongs health and life.

People whose cord blood is stored in a stem cell bank do not have to waste valuable time searching for a stem cell donor. Sometimes the process takes weeks, and it is important to realize that the sooner appropriate therapy is implemented, the better the chances of a complete recovery. Cord blood also has a greater ability to regenerate and causes fewer complications.

How much does it cost to store cord blood?

The price of cord blood banking varies depending on the package selected, and the fees are divided into 3 convenient payment stages. Prior to delivery, a one-time upfront fee is paid, starting at £259 (depending on the package) for the retrieval kit, retrieval cost and transportation. Then 2 months after delivery a fee is paid for testing, freezing and preparing the stem cells for storage. Importantly, this fee can be paid in convenient 10 installments starting from 285 PLN, making the cost imperceptible to the household budget. Then once a year, on each child’s birthday, an annual storage fee is paid, starting from 55 PLN per month (depending on the package). Detailed information on  the price of cord blood stem cell collection and storage is available here:

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Is cord blood banking expensive?

At first, it may seem that the price for cord blood banking is high. However, it is worth taking into account that Parents incur annual costs, which on a monthly basis are small. They can be fully covered, for example, by the 500+ benefit.

It’s also worth considering cord blood banking as part of your layette. You can forgo the purchase of a more expensive stroller, car seat and additional gadgets in favor of safeguarding the health and life of the toddler. Gadgets cease to be useful after just a few months. Stem cells can be stored and used even after several years of storage. This outlook makes cord blood banking a good investment and is not as expensive as it seems.

Storing cord blood for free

Free stem cell collection and storage is available only to those who have chosen to donate the material collected from their child to charity – for the treatment of unrelated individuals. This is the so-called. public banking of cord blood.

The cost of cord blood banking is also waived if you join the Donation to the Rescue program. Parents who have a seriously ill child can choose to have stem cells collected at the birth of their next offspring and donate the blood for treatment. They only incur storage fees when banking for more than a year.

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