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Glycemia in pregnancy

Glycemia in pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Glycemia, or blood sugar levels, should be controlled during pregnancy. At its beginning, a fasting glucose test is performed, followed by an oral glucose load test in later weeks. If diagnosed with diabetes, a pregnant woman must monitor blood glucose daily. What is the normal blood glucose in pregnancy and how can it be measured?

Glycemia in pregnancy – what is the correct one?

Glycemia in pregnancy is tested for the first time at the beginning of pregnancy. This is a fasting glucose test, during which it should not exceed 92mg%. If there are risk factors for gestational diabetes, such as obesity, giving birth  to a baby with a high birth weight, or being older than 35. year, the mother-to-be should also perform an oral glucose load test early in her pregnancy, in which blood glucose is measured while fasting, and then one and two hours after drinking a 75g glucose solution.

Glycemia on the OGTT test is considered normal in pregnancy:

  • Fasting: less than 92 mg/dl ( <5.1 mmol/l),
  • W 60. minute: less than 180 mg/dl ( <10.0 mmol/l),
  • W 120. Minute: less than 153 mg/dl ( ≤8.5 mmol/l).

When to measure blood glucose in pregnancy?

Glycemia in pregnancy, if diabetes is present, should be measured fasting and one hour after main meals. It is also recommended to control nighttime blood glucose periodically, between 2 and 4 am. The mother-to-be should be equipped with her own glucometer and glucose strips. It is also possible to wear a special sensor, which is used for continuous measurement of blood glucose during pregnancy and does not require multiple punctures.

Abnormal blood glucose in pregnancy – management

If the fasting blood glucose test comes out abnormally, an oral glucose load test is recommended. In the case of abnormal glycemic values on the OGTT, diabetes is diagnosed. A distinction is made between diabetes in pregnancy and pre-pregnancy diabetes. First, treatment through diet is implemented. If it is ineffective and home blood glucose measurement values are abnormal, insulin therapy is turned on. Decisions regarding the treatment of diabetes in pregnancy are made by the attending physician or diabetologist. Pregnancy complicated by abnormal blood glucose is associated with complications, so it requires specialized care.

Continuous measurement of blood glucose in pregnancy

Many moms-to-be complain about the need for multiple punctures with a glucometer to check blood glucose. Recently, a special kit for continuous measurement of blood glucose using a sensor placed on the arm has become reimbursable for pregnant women. This makes visible, among other things. trends related to blood sugar levels, as well as nighttime measurements taken, indicate the effectiveness of diabetes treatment throughout the day.

Abnormal sugars in pregnancy- complications

Poorly controlled diabetes in pregnancy carries a number of complications for both the baby and the mother. Excessive growth-macrosomia of the fetus can occur, resulting in shoulder dystocia during delivery. On the other hand, in the case of pre-pregnancy diabetes, there is a greater risk of growth disorders, hence there is a need for more frequent ultrasound and KTG checks of the baby According to the recommendations, delivery should take place after 38 weeks in the case of pre-pregnancy diabetes and after 39. Week in gestational diabetes.

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