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Geriatric pregnancy

Geriatric pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Modern women are getting pregnant at an increasingly later age. This is influenced by many different kinds of factors, very often it is a fully conscious decision by the couple. 35 each. year, due to the increasing risk of possible pregnancy complications, pregnant women should receive special care from gynecologists. How to prepare for a geriatric pregnancy and what tests are worth doing during it?

Geriatric pregnancy-what is it?

Geriatric pregnancy is not a scientific term used by doctors. It is a concept that has gained its popularity as more and more well-known women began to get pregnant after the age of 35-40. Geriatrics itself, on the other hand, is a branch of medicine that focuses its attention on the elderly (over 70 years of age). “Geriatric pregnancy” is therefore a term that should not be taken literally, but should be taken as a kind of figurative. Many people call this pregnancy for women over 35 years old. In gynecology and obstetrics, this is the moment when the risk of possible complications of pregnancy and the appearance of birth defects in the child increases, so such a pregnancy requires more frequent checks and careful care by a gynecologist. However, it is better to use statements such as late motherhood or mature pregnancy instead of the term geriatric pregnancy.

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How to prepare for a geriatric pregnancy?

Preparation for pregnancy regardless of a woman’s age should be based on a healthy lifestyle-physical activity and a well-balanced diet. Women should also take care to get enough sleep. Given that the older a woman gets, the higher the risk of diseases of civilization, it is worthwhile to have any conditions such as diabetes or hypertension controlled by a specialist.  It’s also worth visiting a dentist and having a breast exam and cytology. It is also common for doctors to order blood tests on a woman before she becomes pregnant, including but not limited to. TSH or sugar levels. If the values are abnormal, they can be equalized even before pregnancy. It is also extremely important to supplement folic acid, which is essential for the proper development of the baby’s nervous system, and significantly reduces the risk of neural tube defects, which increases as a woman ages.

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How to prepare for pregnancy?

Geriatric pregnancy- risk of complications

As a woman ages, the risk of possible complications during pregnancy increases. Among them are: diabetes, hypertension or pregnancy cholestasis. In a group of women who are pregnant after 35. year also increases the risk of preterm labor.

It is also important to remember that the older a woman gets, the more trouble she may have getting pregnant. For this reason, doctors advise that if you are unsuccessful in trying to have a baby, you should see a specialist after 6 months of trying, rather than after 12, as is recommended for women before 35. year of age.

Geriatric pregnancy and birth defects of the child

The older the woman is, the greater the risk of birth defects in the child. For example, the risk of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome in a woman in her 20s  is 1 in 1,231 pregnancies, and in a woman over 40 – 1 in 100. There is also an increased risk of having a baby with other chromosomal aberrations, such as Patau or Edwards syndrome.

Geriatric pregnancy- research

All pregnant women over 35. year are covered by thorough diagnostics during pregnancy, which is financed by the National Health Service. These diagnostics include genetic and postpartum ultrasounds, as well as biochemical tests (PAPP-A test). Thanks to thorough non-invasive examinations, it is possible to detect possible abnormalities and then perform invasive tests, such as amniocentesis, which will confirm or rule out doctors’ suspicions. Women over 35. A non-invasive free fetal DNA test is also recommended .

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