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Exercise during pregnancy - safe physical activity

Exercise during pregnancy – safe physical activity


8 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

In recent years, awareness related to healthy lifestyles has become increasingly widespread. Women who are active further want to maintain their habits, both while waiting for the baby and after the baby is born. Nevertheless, is it advisable to exercise during pregnancy? By all means! However, it is worthwhile to select physical activity according to each trimester and the condition of your body.

Exercise during pregnancy – is it safe?

Many women are physically active on a daily basis, and a large number of them practice amateur sports of various kinds. It is believed that exercise during uncomplicated pregnancy is safe for both the baby and the mother-to-be. However, it should be borne in mind that this applies to women who also exercised before pregnancy. In the case of ladies who wish to begin the adventure of exercise after pregnancy, it is advisable to consult with the attending physician and practice sports under the supervision of a trained trainer or physiotherapist.

There are also situations when the mother-to-be has to give up exercise. Contraindications to sports participation include:

  • pregnancy at risk,
  • shortening neck,
  • placenta previa,
  • history of miscarriage,
  • The risk of preterm labor,
  • Spotting and bleeding during pregnancy,
  • hypertension,
  • multifetal pregnancy.

For this reason, it is always best to discuss the subject with a gynecologist, so that he or she can give permission to practice sports. Interestingly, in some situations, for example, when a woman has gestational diabetes, properly selected exercises improve the results, in this case – normalization of glycemia.

What exercises can be done during pregnancy? – movement is key!

Undoubtedly, a healthy, well-balanced diet and exercise are important during this period – the WHO recommends that all pregnant and post-partum women without medical contraindications undertake regular physical activity. It is a great idea to take daily walks and take at least 5,000 steps a day. Breathing, relaxation and stretching exercises are also recommended, as they take care of the body’s condition, freeing it from muscle tension and improving overall well-being.

It is worth looking for group classes designed for pregnant women. Experts advise against workouts that engage the abdominal muscles and warn against jumping up and making sudden movements. However, a great deal depends on how active a woman was before becoming pregnant. This is because the exercises should be adjusted to her pre-pregnancy form and capabilities.

Exercises for pregnant women – 1st trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy are a time when the mother-to-be should be especially careful, as this is when the risk of miscarriage is greatest. For this reason , heavy workouts should be avoided, especially those that tighten the straight abdominal muscles and produce abdominal crowding. Instead, an alternative is to gently stimulate the oblique muscles and activate the transversus abdominis muscle. It is a movement that is beneficial for pregnant women.

The first trimester is a sensational time to practice exercises such as:

  • Walks and leisurely marches,
  • yoga,
  • pilates,
  • swimming.

Of course, they can also be performed in other months. This is because this type of activity helps to relax the body, relax and alleviate various painful conditions.

Training during pregnancy – second trimester

In the second trimester, the dynamics of changes in the body of the mother-to-be slows down significantly, so that she begins to feel better. In addition, there is an elevation of the diaphragm, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen retention in the lungs, making it improve respiratory capacity. These factors allow her to indulge in a wider range of exercises and include new activities. During these weeks, workouts aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles will be great, as unfortunately they often weaken during pregnancy.

What other exercises are worth including then?

  • Riding a stationary bicycle – allows you to relieve stress on the lower limbs and stabilize the pelvis along with the lumbar spine. In addition, riding on such equipment improves cardiorespiratory fitness.
  • Water aerobics – during pregnancy is recommended for those ladies who have given up swimming altogether. Swimming is a form of activity recommended by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists because it relieves stress on the joints of the spine and limbs, increases muscle strength and improves fitness. The same effect can be achieved with the help of aerobics, which is why it is considered an alternative.

Workout for pregnant women – 3rd trimester

Is the end of pregnancy the time to stop all physical activity? From there – the mother-to-be can continue to practice the same types of workouts as before, although the reduced intensity of the exercises is important. In the third trimester, the main focus should be on breathing exercises, which are sure to translate positively into labor. Proper breathing during the solution helps relieve uterine muscle tension and improves blood flow to the baby.

Exercises before childbirth should prepare a woman for the delivery of a child into the world and help her endure the hardships of this stage of pregnancy , which involves, among other things. With swelling and pain complaints of various origins. Therefore, emphasis should also be placed on relaxation and de-stressing activities.

Regular exercise during pregnancy – advantages

Regular physical activity during pregnancy is extremely important, as it makes the future mother feel better, and the risk of gestational diabetes or other complications significantly decreases. Systematic exercise during pregnancy increases cardiorespiratory fitness, joint mobility and allows you to maintain mobility. Movement also prepares a woman’s body for exertion during childbirth and after the birth of a child, such as when carrying a car seat.

Workouts reduce symptoms that occur during pregnancy, such as back pain, varicose veins, swelling and constipation , among others. It is believed that active ladies get back into shape faster after childbirth and go through the postpartum period more easily. What’s more, the proper use of exercise can reduce a woman’s weight gain and protect her from diseases associated with overweight and obesity. We are mainly talking about diabetes, high blood pressure and pains associated with excessive strain on the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, it’s not just the mom-to-be who can feel the benefits of a healthy lifestyle – her little one can too. The benefits for the baby include, among others:

  • higher Apgar score,
  • lower rates of neonatal morbidity and mortality,
  • Improving blood flow through the uterus and placenta, resulting in better oxygenation of the baby.

Read also: Belly after childbirth- what does it look like?

Sports during pregnancy – what should be avoided?

Injury and contact sports should definitely be abandoned during pregnancy. These include:

  • Skiing or snowboarding,
  • combat sports,
  • weightlifting,
  • team sports.

Pregnant women should also refrain from workouts in which there is excessive fatigue and a significant increase in heart rate (the maximum heart rate should be 140 beats per minute). Also inadvisable are any exercises that cause pressure on the abdomen or too intense shaking, such as jumping jacks, skipping, strong trunk twists, squats, bends and abdominals.

During physical activity, do not forget about proper hydration, a balanced diet and avoiding overheating . To make sure whether a certain type of exercise is safe for your child, consult a specialist before introducing exercise.

How often to exercise during pregnancy?

Practicing exercise in a safe manner determines the proper course of pregnancy. For this reason, in this case it is necessary to pay attention not only to the selection of the type of movement itself, but also to a properly arranged training plan. According to the recommendations of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), sports during pregnancy should be practiced 3 times a week or more often . It is recommended that activities should last 45 minutes, of which:

  • The first 15 minutes are a warm-up,
  • The next 15 minutes are exercises proper,
  • The final 15 minutes are relaxation exercises.

If, on the other hand, the mother-to-be has not been exposed to physical exercise before, she should do workouts 3 times a week lasting 15 minutes each. Over time, it can increase both their frequency and the time spent on them.

Pregnancy and running – do you have to give it up?

This issue is very contentious and, in addition, depends on many factors. Certainly, running during the first trimester of pregnancy is discouraged, mainly because of the poor mood during this time and the multitude of changes that occur in the body at that time. The second trimester, on the other hand, is the safest stage for the woman and her baby, so if there are no contraindications, the mother-to-be can try her hand at the sport – provided, of course, that she had some experience with it before becoming pregnant.


  1. What exercises to choose during pregnancy?

Exercise during this period can be safe, and some of it is even advisable. It is important to choose appropriate activities that do not raise blood pressure too much and do not cause tremors or stimulate abdominal muscles – jumping jacks, jumping jacks, intense trunk twists, bends, sit-ups and squats during pregnancy are therefore not recommended.

  • What are the benefits of exercising during pregnancy?

Physical activity relieves stress on the joints of the lower extremities and results in increased muscle strength, weight reduction and improved well-being. Breathing exercises, meditation or yoga during pregnancy can prepare a mom-to-be for childbirth, relieve pain or strengthen her spinal muscles.

  • What to keep in mind when doing sports during pregnancy?

First of all, about observing your body and responding to its messages – regardless of which week of pregnancy a woman is. If she notices dizziness, joint and muscle pain or painful uterine contractions, she should stop training or change her training plan.

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