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Another pregnancy after cesarean section

Another pregnancy after cesarean section


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Today, cesarean sections are one of the most common surgeries performed. For this reason, many women wonder if and when they can get pregnant again. Also, not everyone knows whether another natural childbirth is possible after a cesarean section. Find out what are the possible complications of another pregnancy after cesarean section.

Another pregnancy after cesarean section – when can you?

Caesarean section is an operation that requires the opening of the abdominal layers and the uterus. Thus, after the operation, time is needed for the areas to heal and fuse well. For this reason, it is considered necessary to wait a minimum of 1 year after a pregnancy completed by cesarean section before making further efforts. This involves the risk of complications, which can occur if the interval between births is too short. If a woman becomes pregnant early, she should be cared for by a specialist.

Subsequent pregnancy after cesarean section – possible complications

Various types of complications can occur in a pregnancy after a cesarean section. This risk increases if there is too short an interval between births. The most commonly mentioned is a rupture of the uterus at the site of a cesarean section scar. There may also be abnormal implantation of the placenta and development of, for example. placenta innate, which has further consequences in the course of pregnancy.  

Often gynecologists assess the continuity and thickness of the incision scar on ultrasound. Note that, according to the recommendations, this should take place before the next pregnancy and the scar should not be evaluated during pregnancy, especially at the end.

Another pregnancy after cesarean section – can you give birth by natural means?

One cesarean section is not a direct indication for another cesarean section. However, a great deal depends on the reason for the operation. If the cause was, for example, maternal-fetal incommensurability, doctors usually decide on another cesarean section. However, if the first section took place, for example, due to the pelvic position of the fetus, the second child can definitely be born by natural means, if there are no other contraindications. This is the so-called. VBAC, i.e. from English. Vaginal birth after cesarean. It is considered that an attempted natural childbirth is 60-80% successful. This delivery, however, always requires increased monitoring and constant KTG recording due to the risk of uterine rupture in the cesarean section scar. Controversy, on the other hand, surrounds the condition after more than 1 cesarean section. According to current recommendations, an elective cesarean section should then be considered.

The decision to perform a cesarean section is made by a gynecologist on the basis of medical indications for the operation taking care of the safety of both mother and baby.

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