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Temperature in pregnancy - when is it normal and when is it a symptom of illness?

Temperature in pregnancy – when is it normal and when is it a symptom of illness?


4 mins of reading

Ewa Żuchowska


Body temperature is particularly important because it informs about the state of our body. Low values are usually associated with weakness, and high values with infection. A higher temperature in pregnancy is normal, a high temperature - may be a harbinger of infection. The additional symptoms accompanying the temperature should not be underestimated.

 The temperature during pregnancy differs from that of a healthy person. The cause is the hormonal changes occurring in the female body. When should a mom-to-be start worrying?

Elevated temperature in pregnancy –  what does it indicate?

Body heat is very often an indicator of a different state. Women who keep a chart of their temperature during pregnancy may see it spike to higher values right after ovulation. If the spike persists until the date of menstruation, as well as after the due date, there is a good chance that fertilization has occurred.

The temperature at the beginning of pregnancy usually fluctuates between 37-37.5 degrees .C and this is completely normal. In order for the vaginal temperature in pregnancy to be reliable, it should be measured at a fixed time, right after waking up. A value below 38 deg C is the normal temperature in pregnancy.

An elevated temperature in pregnancy is nothing special, nor is it a cause for concern. Its cause is the hormonal changes that occur in the female body. Spikes in body temperature during pregnancy are blamed on rising progesterone and accelerated metabolism. The body of the mother-to-be works more intensively then.

High body temperature in pregnancy

Pregnancy temperature above 38 degrees. C can indicate an infection. It should not be underestimated, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. If left untreated, the infection can develop into a serious upper respiratory tract disease and antibiotic therapy will be required. 

High body temperature during pregnancy is also dangerous for the baby. In some cases, it can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. If the mother-to-be has a fever, she should go to the doctor. Being pregnant, you cannot treat yourself on your own, especially in the first trimester, when the baby’s organs are just beginning to form.

In pregnancy, the temperature can be brought down with paracetamol. It is the only safe drug for pregnant women, but should still be taken under the guidance of a doctor. Paracetamol abuse can cause birth defects in the child.

Herbal infusions are good for fevers, but their inflammatory properties do not serve pregnant women. Excessive sweating contributes to the proliferation of bacteria. It will be better if the mother-to-be airs out the room she is in well. She should also drink a lot to prevent dehydration.

Low temperature in pregnancy – what does it mean?

A low temperature in pregnancy is a cause for concern, especially since the normal value is 37 degrees. C. At lower temperatures, pregnancy is at risk. If this is accompanied by bleeding or severe lower abdominal pain, the woman should immediately go to the doctor. Such symptoms can herald a miscarriage. The reason for their appearance is a decrease in progesterone levels.

Low temperatures in pregnancy also occur with anemia. Anemia requires the use of iron preparations, since deficiency or poor absorption of this element can cause hypotension, numbness in the limbs and a feeling of constant fatigue in the mother-to-be. In multiple pregnancies, this phenomenon is very common.

Low temperature in pregnancy can also indicate diseases such as:

  • hypothyroidism,
  • renal failure,
  • liver disease,
  • malnutrition,
  • Systemic infection – sepsis,
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning,
  • adrenal insufficiency.

All of these diseases are dangerous for both mom and baby. Any deviations or abnormalities should be consulted with a doctor. Their consequences can be dangerous complications for the fetus, including the death of the baby.

Pregnant women who have a low body temperature are very pale and may lose weight. They also get tired quickly. Weakness in these pregnant women can cause fainting or imbalance. A pregnant woman with a low temperature needs to get plenty of rest.

Read also: Cytomegalovirus and pregnancy

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