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Sore throat in pregnancy- how to deal with it?

Sore throat in pregnancy- how to deal with it?


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Sore throat is a relatively common ailment that also affects pregnant women. However, during this special time, not all commercially available drugs can be used safely. For this reason, moms-to-be are looking for home remedies on how to deal with a sore throat during pregnancy. Find out when you need to go to the doctor and the most common causes of sore throat.

Sore throat in pregnancy- causes

The causes of sore throats during pregnancy are similar to those outside pregnancy. Most often, any infection that runs with a sore throat is caused by viruses, among others. Adenoviruses or rhinoviruses. It also happens that bacteria are the cause of the disease (e.g. Streptococcus or staphylococcus). In such a situation  symptoms such as a plaque on the tonsils and higher fever appear. Due to the fact that during pregnancy the mother-to-be’s immune system is less effective than before, these infections may be more frequent, especially during the autumn season.

Some women also complain of annoying heartburn during pregnancy, caused by excessive relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter. Increased heartburn can also manifest itself as a sore throat sensation. However, this is not a symptom of a respiratory tract infection, but a backflow of digestive contents.

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Sore throat in pregnancy- home remedies

Infections running with sore throat are mostly self-limiting and only in some cases require symptomatic treatment. Therefore, if the symptoms are not severe and the sore throat is not accompanied by a high fever or other worrisome symptoms, many moms-to-be use home remedies to deal with the pain. It is very important to properly humidify the air in the apartment, as dry air can lead to dry mucous membranes and the appearance of a sore throat. In addition, pregnant women reach for homemade gargles for the throat, such as salt water. However, be sure to avoid sage infusion during pregnancy. Rest and proper hydration are also very important.

Sore throat in pregnancy- treatment

In addition to home remedies, treatment of a sore throat when there are no other symptoms usually involves the use of lozenges or sprays available at the pharmacy without a prescription. However, it is always worth checking whether a particular drug or supplement is safe for pregnant women. Among anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided, especially in the 3rd. trimester, ibuprofen, which can lead to premature closure of the Botalla duct. Doctors also recommend the use of sore throat sprays instead of systemic medications, as their effects are largely only topical and have no effect on the entire female body and the developing baby.

Sore throat in pregnancy-when to see a doctor?

Most throat infections are viral in nature, and symptoms resolve spontaneously after a few days. If additional symptoms such as high fever, plaque on the tonsils or muscle pains appear, always consult a doctor. Fever is particularly dangerous for a developing child, so do not delay, but go to a specialist.

The Centor scale is used to differentiate between viral and bacterial infections, taking into account the presence of fever, cough, plaque on the tonsils and enlarged lymph nodes. When the doctor suspects a bacterial infection, antibiotic therapy is necessary, usually using penicillins.

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