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Pain in the groin during pregnancy

Pain in the groin during pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Groin pain is not a frequently mentioned ailment during pregnancy, but for many pregnant women it can effectively impede daily functioning. Its causes are most often not dangerous and do not pose a threat to pregnancy, but it is always worth consulting a doctor or physiotherapist. Find out what are the most common causes of groin pain in pregnancy.

Groin pain in pregnancy- causes

Groin pain during pregnancy can occur for many different reasons. Among them are listed:

  • Radiating pain from the spinal region,
  • Injury or strain to muscles and tendons,
  • appendicitis,
  • pelvic girdle pain,
  • Sciatica or femoral,
  • Lowering of the abdomen before delivery.

If the pain in the lower abdominal or groin area is severe, it may be related to a twisted ovarian cyst or an ecotopic pregnancy or renal colic. Pain in this situation radiates from another location to the groin area. In most cases, however, groin pain is caused by physiological loosening of the pelvic ligaments due to, among other things. The effects of progesterone or relaxin. It is also due to excessive stress on the pelvis during those nine months.

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How to deal with groin pain during pregnancy?

If the pain is not very severe and has not appeared suddenly, it is best to make an appointment to see a physiotherapist. When, on the other hand, the pain is very severe and accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, you should go immediately to the emergency room to rule out or confirm acute causes of the discomfort that require the intervention of doctors.

For complaints that persist on a daily basis, the physiotherapist will suggest exercises that can alleviate them, as well as strengthen the pelvic muscles that make up the pelvis. This is because during pregnancy, the center of gravity of the future mother’s body changes, so it is very important to have the correct posture that does not overburden the spine and pelvis. Today, women are also increasingly opting for TENS, which can successfully relieve pain in the groin area. Some pregnant women wear lap belts to reduce discomfort. In addition, experts recommend choosing flat, comfortable shoes, sleeping with a pillow between the legs, changing positions frequently and avoiding prolonged standing.

Read also: Is Apap during pregnancy safe? How to apply it?

Groin pain and childbirth

Women struggling with groin pain during pregnancy wonder whether it is a contraindication to natural childbirth. If the orthopedic surgeon sees no additional indications for a C-section, groin pain alone is not an obstacle to natural childbirth. It’s a good idea to ask your physiotherapist before delivery about non-pharmacological methods of pain relief and comfortable positions that can reduce additional pain during labor. Besides, pharmacological means of relieving labor pain also have an effect on reducing pain in the groin area. The good news is that bothersome groin pain passes in most cases after the baby is born and is only related to the pregnancy period.

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