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Pregnant women's

Diseases during pregnancy

Sickness during pregnancy? It's always difficult, because you have to take care of not only yourself, but also your little one. See what to look out for with each condition.



Perineal rupture at childbirth

Many pregnant women are afraid of natural childbirth and complications such as perineal rupture. In order to avoid ruptures, midwives often choose to incise the perineum of a woman in labor. However, this should be done with the consent of the mother-to-be. What complications does perineal rupture entail and can it be prevented?

According to the definition, perineal rupture is defined as damage to the perineal tissues, which is a relatively common injury during childbirth. It occurs during the II. period of labor during parturition contractions. Perineal fractures are divided into different grades relating to the tissues that have been damaged. The most serious consequences carry damage to the anal sphincter.

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