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Does coughing during pregnancy harm the baby?

Does coughing during pregnancy harm the baby?


4 mins of reading

Ewa Żuchowska


As a result of hormonal changes during pregnancy, moms-to-be are highly susceptible to infections. A symptom of infection, for example, is a persistent cough that, if left untreated, can develop into a serious upper respiratory tract disease. Treating cough in pregnancy is difficult due to limited therapeutic options.


Coughing alone does not pose a threat to the child. It is merely a persistent ailment that, because of the expectant mother’s pregnancy, should be treated in the early stages of development. When developed, it can be difficult to control and tragic in its consequences for both mother and child. Are there ways to deal with cough during pregnancy?

Cough during pregnancy – why does it occur?

The cough reflex is triggered by allergens or excess mucus in the airways. In the initial stage of the infection, it is dry and wheezing because the throat mucosa is irritated and there is not enough secretion inside. If this one accumulates, the dry cough turns into a wet cough to release excess mucus.

In pregnant women, a cough can be a harbinger of a developing infection or allergy, so it should not be ignored. Treat any cough, including cough during pregnancy. The danger to the baby is not its mere presence, but the fact that it can be the beginning of a serious respiratory disease, and it is this that can be dangerous to the fetus. Respiratory diseases require the use of antibiotics, most of which have teratogenic effects on the fetus. Only a few preparations can be taken during pregnancy. Moms who breastfeed have a similar problem. In both of these cases, therapeutic options are severely limited.

If a woman does not know what for cough in pregnancy will be effective and safe, she can ask a pharmacist for help. He will certainly lend his knowledge and experience and help you choose a safe product.

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Dry cough in pregnancy – how to remedy it?

Dry cough in pregnancy is very troublesome. Usually it is from it that the cold begins. The mucous membrane of the throat is irritated and there is not enough secretion inside to stop a choking cough. In pregnancy, any cold should be treated in its early stages, especially in the last trimester. Persistent coughing during pregnancy, just before delivery, can trigger uterine contractions and premature labor.

For a dry cough, ginger tea or a syrup made yourself from ginger, lemon and honey will help. Soothing and coating the mucous membranes will be the effect of flaxseed drunk twice a day. At the pharmacy, you can buy cough syrup for pregnancy, which contains valerian. Many preparations with valerian also have coltsfoot in their formulation, which pregnant women should avoid because it has been proven to have harmful effects on the fetus.

The mother-to-be should also remember to moisten her throat. Icelandic lichen preparations will work in this way. They are bought without a prescription in the form of lozenges with mint or black currant flavor. The throat can be moistened with saline inhalations. A nebulizer is needed to make them. If the mother-to-be does not have one, she can use a bowl of water and a towel. This is an old proven method used by our grandmothers.

Wet cough in pregnancy – what to do?

In order to get rid of the ailment, the mother-to-be can turn to home remedies for cough in pregnancy. One method is to make a syrup of garlic, onion and honey. Unfortunately, not every pregnant woman can tolerate its smell. The solution to the problem may be cough syrup for pregnant women, which contains raspberry extract and vitamin C. However, one must be careful not to overdo it, as it can trigger uterine contractions.

For a wet cough in pregnancy, inhalations of essential oils: pine, eucalyptus and peppermint will be effective to help breathing. They can be sprinkled on the bedding. Sleep will be much easier.

A pregnant woman cannot use classic expectorant syrups. They contain alcohol, even the smallest amount of which is dangerous for a toddler. If the cough intensifies or prolongs indefinitely, go to the doctor. During pregnancy, many drugs are prohibited and must not be taken on their own. The decision to use pharmaceuticals with possible harmful effects is made by a doctor. It falls when the benefit of taking the drug is greater than the potential risk to the child.

Read also: Toxoplasmosis – what is it and how to treat toxoplasmosis in pregnancy?

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