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Bowel disease in pregnancy- causes, treatment- PBKM

Bowel disease in pregnancy- causes, treatment- PBKM


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Intestinal distress in pregnancy, also known as stomach flu, is a group of symptoms related to the gastrointestinal tract. The most common cause of these is viruses. Pregnant women can most easily become infected during contact with preschool children. The unpleasant discomforts of intestinal tract are particularly troublesome for moms-to-be. How to prevent enteritis in pregnancy?

Bowel movement during pregnancy- causes

Viral infection of the digestive system, commonly referred to as stomach flu or just enteric, is mostly caused by viruses. These are usually highly contagious rotaviruses and noroviruses. An infection caused by adenoviruses can also produce similar symptoms. Intestinal tract infections are transmitted by food, droplets and through contact with objects. Its average duration in adults is usually up to several tens of hours. Pregnant women are classified as immunocompromised, so they may present symptoms longer.

Bowel disease in pregnancy-prevention

Stomach flu is an extremely contagious disease. This means that often all household members or most of the preschool group get sick at once. However, one should try to reduce the possibility of infection by using proper hygiene and disinfection. The spread of enteric fever is prevented by washing hands thoroughly after using the toilet and washing vegetables and fruits. Importantly, a pregnant woman should consume bottled water. It is also worth knowing that noroviruses are able to survive on objects for up to 7 days, so it is extremely important to disinfect surfaces in case of an outbreak of enteritis among household members.

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Intestinal tract in pregnancy- symptoms

The most common symptom of enterocolitis is diarrhea, or at least 3 loose (watery) stools per day. In addition, nausea and vomiting, lack of appetite, fever, abdominal pain and headache are also common in the course of stomach flu. The course of the disease can vary in specific cases. Some women also complain of significant weakness and muscle pain. Depending on the severity of the symptoms present, a visit to the emergency room may be necessary, as dehydration resulting from persistent vomiting or diarrhea can have a negative impact on a developing child. 

Intestinal tract in pregnancy- treatment

Pregnancy time is a period when the use of many common drugs is inadvisable. In the case of enterocolitis, treatment is mainly symptomatic. The most important element is oral rehydration to prevent dehydration due to diarrhea or vomiting. The diet should be easily digestible. If a fever occurs, it can be brought down with paracetamol during pregnancy.

Intestinal tract in pregnancy-when to see a doctor?

In some cases, enteric is severe and home remedies are ineffective. If a woman is unable to take fluids orally or has a disorder of consciousness related to dehydration, a visit to the hospital and intravenous rehydration is necessary. Similarly, if diarrhea or vomiting contains blood, and there is severe abdominal pain. In such a situation, immediately go to the emergency room.

Intestinal tract in pregnancy and the baby

Stomach flu alone in the mother-to-be has no negative impact on the development of the baby. However, it is important to remember that increased discomfort leading to dehydration or high fever can negatively affect the child. In some situations, a woman’s persistently high body temperature can even lead to a miscarriage. Dehydration, on the other hand, results in reduced blood flow through the placenta, which can have a negative impact on the baby’s well-being.

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