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Arrhythmia in pregnancy

Arrhythmia in pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

During pregnancy there are many different kinds of symptoms. Some of these are among the physiological symptoms of pregnancy, while others should prompt a visit to a specialist. One of the most common reasons for visiting a cardiologist during pregnancy is palpitations, which can be a symptom of arrhythmias. Check out the treatment of arrhythmias in pregnancy.

Why does arrhythmia occur in pregnancy?

Arrhythmias, or heart rhythm disturbances of various kinds, can occur at any time in a person’s life. In pregnant women, it usually occurs first due to physiological changes in the body of the mother-to-be. It can occur in women who have had a previous heart defect but no accompanying symptoms. It should be remembered that during pregnancy there are many changes in the body of the future mother. They do not bypass the circulatory system. There is an increase in circulating blood volume and cardiac output, as well as a decrease in blood pressure. The heart rate is also increased by about 15 beats per minute. Hormonal changes and the effects of estrogen and progesterone can influence the occurrence of arrhythmias.

Symptoms of arrhythmia in pregnancy

The sheer physiological acceleration of the heart rate is felt by many women as its palpitations, which makes them anxious. Arrhythmias can also manifest themselves as extra beats or sudden acceleration and deceleration of the heartbeat. It may be accompanied by chest pain or shortness of breath. Dizziness and fainting are also symptoms that require an immediate visit to a cardiologist or emergency room. Relevant questions include in what situations palpitations occur and with what frequency such disorders occur.

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Treatment of arrhythmias in pregnancy

The first step in case of arrhythmia symptoms is to visit a cardiologist. In addition to examining the mother-to-be, he will perform an EKG test, which can provide information on the type of arrhythmia, as well as an ECHO test of the heart. Sometimes, if the seizure passes, it is necessary to carry out a 24-hour measurement, known as the “24-hour measurement. Holter ECG to capture the moment of arrhythmia. If palpitations occur, laboratory tests for thyroid hormones and electrolyte levels should also be performed on the expectant mother. Hyperthyroidism or ion disorders can manifest as cardiac arrhythmias. In most cases, in pregnant women, it does not require further management and treatment. Sometimes, however, pregnancy exacerbates pre-existing arrhythmias and specialized care is needed until delivery. It may be necessary to start treatment with beta- adrenolytics (so-called beta blockers), which are the first choice for this type of disease entity.

The good news is that most benign arrhythmias in pregnancy do not pose a threat to the pregnant woman, the course of the pregnancy or the delivery itself. However, the mother-to-be should be cared for by a gynecologist and a cardiologist, and if necessary, the delivery should take place in a hospital with cardiac facilities.

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