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A term pregnancy

A term pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Nine months is now an increasingly rare term for the duration of pregnancy. Using weeks is much more precise. However, not everyone realizes that a relatively small number of pregnancies end on the pre-determined due date. The most important thing is that the pregnancy is carried to term. Find out when we are talking about a term pregnancy and what a premature birth entails.

When do we talk about a carried pregnancy?

A physiological pregnancy by book should last 40 weeks. On this basis, the due date of the last menstrual period is calculated. To the first day of its duration, 1 year is added according to Neagelli’s rule, 3 months are subtracted and 7 days are added. This applies to women who menstruated regularly and whose cycle lasted 28 days. For longer or shorter cycles, an additional number of days is added or subtracted as appropriate.

A term pregnancy as defined lasts 37. Weeks. This means that at the completion of 37. week (known as 37+0) the pregnancy is carried to term, and the baby is not referred to as premature at the time of delivery. From this stage, the newborn is not at risk of the most serious complications associated with preterm labor. In some situations, he may require respiratory support or additional activities of doctors

Problems of a newborn born prematurely

A term pregnancy-the harbingers of childbirth

Although the pregnancy is already carried, most women give birth in the following weeks of the pregnancy. Many will give birth after the estimated due date, as determined by menstruation or parietal-seat length on a first trimester ultrasound.

At the end of pregnancy, most often just from 37. Week, symptoms heralding childbirth may appear. Among those mentioned are. Predictive cramps, lumbar pains or the characteristic lowering of the abdomen associated with the insertion of the baby in the woman’s birth canal. In addition, there may be other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea or the departure of a mucus suppository. These symptoms do not mean that the mother-to-be has to go to the hospital right away. It is best to go to the chosen facility after the amniotic fluid has drained, regular contraction activity has begun, or there are worrisome symptoms such as bleeding or weaker sensation of the baby’s movements. If the pregnancy proceeds physiologically and labor does not begin until 41. week, in most hospitals the woman is admitted to the pregnancy pathology department for induction of labor. This is because a carried pregnancy should be avoided, which can have serious consequences and, in the worst case, result in the intrauterine death of the baby.

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Undelivered pregnancy- consequences

For Parents-to-be and gynecologists, the most important goal during pregnancy is to keep it as long as possible until 40. Week and, in particular, until the term pregnancy. This avoids the consequences associated with preterm labor and prematurity. In the case of an undelivered pregnancy, the baby faces a number of potential complications. Among them, the most common are retinopathy of prematurity, respiratory problems, as well as necrotizing enterocolitis or persistent ductus arteriosus. Premature babies, in addition to the consequences that occur immediately after birth, also struggle with complications in the following years of life.

Read more:
Preterm labor – can it be prevented?

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