PlumCare DNA Advisor
PlumCare DNA Advisor is a comprehensive service that includes whole exome sequencing (WES) genetic testing and consultation with a geneticist.

DNA is the genetic blueprint for life
Watch the story of the Parents of little Maks, who opted for PlumCare to look more calmly at their child’s future.
What does it look like?
You can order the PlumCare DNA Advisor service yourself or through a consultant
A sample of biological material (saliva or a drop of cord blood) is transported to the PBKM laboratory, where DNA is isolated
The DNA is sent to a specialized laboratory, where whole exome sequencing (WES) takes place and then bioinformatics analysis is performed, which takes place at Harvard University in the US.
The individual and comprehensive report comes about 60 days after the samples are received by the laboratory.
After the appointment, consultation of the received report with a certified genetic counselor will be implemented.
Based on the report and consultation with a geneticist, you can make further informed decisions about your health.
The report for a child includes 324 genes, the report for an adult – 59 genes.
The Plumcare and DNA SOLO report is sent by up to 20 weeks after birth.
Who can take the PlumCare Advisor DNA test?
The test can be done for both an adult and a child (DNA is isolated from saliva taken into a special kit provided by PBKM).
The PlumCare DNA Advisor genetic test can also be performed for a newborn child who has had cord blood drawn after birth (DNA isolation from a drop of cord blood), but such an intention must be communicated to the consultant when signing the cord blood banking contract.
Not as much as you think, i.e. how much does Plumcare DNA Advisor cost?
The long-held opinion has been that genetic testing is expensive.
And indeed, the prices at which single genes are tested can be dizzying, especially if you want to test several individual genes.
Definitely more affordable is the WES (whole exome sequencing) test.
The market price of such a test reaches up to PLN 6,000.
The PlumCare DNA Advisor test is a comprehensive genetic service, performed using the WES method, which is priced at PLN 4,800 (testing from saliva for adults and older children) or PLN 4,950 (testing from a drop of cord blood for a baby before birth) in PBKM’s regular offer.

Do you want to learn more and take advantage of promotions for Parents expecting a baby to be born? or maybe You want to do a test for an adult or a child who does not have cord blood secured and get a discount?
We encourage you to watch the reports on the PlumCare DNA Counselor study: