bank cord blood?
it’s worth it
Securing cord blood at birth is arguably one of the most important decisions you will make during your pregnancy. The right to make it is given to you by the European Parliament Resolution of 11.09.2012 on voluntary tissue donation. Find out what benefits stem cell banking from cord blood, umbilical cord and placenta brings to your family.

Treatment with cells
stem cells
We don’t know the future and we don’t know what diseases may happen to our loved ones. The probability of stem cell treatment in the future is currently 1:100, and the cells can serve both the child during whose birth they were taken and his siblings, as well as the child’s family (with compatible HLA). The collection is non-invasive and completely safe for both mother and child.
Who in your family will be able to benefit from stem cells?
By securing cord blood
Child, Siblings and Parents*
By securing the umbilical cord
The whole family and grandparents
*Subject to compatibility in the humanleukocyte antigens (HLA) system (tissue compatibility system).
It is worth remembering that the birth of a child is the only time when cord blood can be collected and the stem cells it contains can be secured. It is worth making a conscious decision about banking.