Cord blood banking
and stem cells Lublin
Our consultants
Stem cells from the umbilical cord and blood are the most precious gifts scientists have discovered.
This is because they can cure as many as 80 different diseases of all kinds – starting with acute and chronic leukemia, going to platelet abnormalities and ending with childhood cerebral palsy. Compared to cells extracted from the bone marrow, these cells have great potential to proliferate and differentiate into individual tissues.
It is worth remembering, however, that they can only be harvested at birth, so the decision should be made fairly smoothly and, above all, consciously. Stem cell banking from umbilical cord and blood is an investment in the future – we encourage you to learn more about the offer of the largest facility for storage of biological material – PBKM.
Stem cell therapy – biological material at a premium
Treatment with stem cells from umbilical cord blood and cord shows very high efficiency, as these cells have the ability to divide and type themselves into a variety of tissue assemblies.
A particularly interesting research object for scientists is the umbilical cord.
This specialized cord is a source of mesenchymal cells, which are much more easily transformed into other types of cells.
They are currently being used, among other things.
for experimental hospitalization of young patients with childhood cerebral palsy.

Cord blood collection – the course of the procedure
The procedure is completely safe and non-invasive – after the baby is born, a trained midwife collects blood from the umbilical cord, and then places it in a designated container.
The procedure can be performed in practically any hospital in Poland – regardless of whether it is the province where PBKM is headquartered, or the provinces of Lublin, Malopolska, Pomerania or any other province located on the map of our country.
What then happens to this biological material?
It is transported under optimal conditions to the laboratory, where it is thoroughly examined.
Stem cell banking from cord blood and cord begins when all tests come out correctly and no contraindications to storage are detected.
Umbilical cord and blood stem cell banking – is it worth it?
Life writes different scenarios and it is worth preparing for unexpected twists and turns.
These include.
diseases that usually attack by surprise.
Storing cord blood and cord is an investment in the future, which can not only help the child, but also other family members – from Parents to grandparents.
Health is the most important thing, and no amount of money can buy it.
For this reason, during pregnancy, it is worth thinking about the possibility of collecting cord blood and securing the umbilical cord – chances are there will be no second chance.
Let’s isolate stem cells together – Lublin
Umbilical cord or placenta were once considered waste. Today, however, these materials are a valuable life-saving gift of nature.
We encourage you to contact a PBKM representative in Lublin – he will discuss all indications and contraindications and try to dispel any doubts.