Cord blood banking
and stem cells Katowice
Our consultants
Stem cells from cord blood and cord – biological material at a premium
Their beneficial effects are used in aesthetic medicine to address signs of aging.
They are taken from purified adipose tissue and then administered under the subcutaneous tissue.
However, these units have a much broader purpose, through which they can save not only the health, but also the life of the patient. They are used to treat as many as 80 diseases of various causes. The reason for this is their peculiarity – stem cells can differentiate into cells of the tissue to which they are transplanted without limitation. Therapy with stem cells obtained at birth shows very high effectiveness, as evidenced by the number of cured patients who have managed to win against severe pathologies of the circulatory, nervous or immune systems.
The functionality of these units is significantly different from those found in bone marrow, peripheral blood or adipose tissue.
This is why they are so effective and over the years have become an integral part of the treatment of many ailments.
Stem cell banking from cord blood and cord (Silesia) – why is it worth it?
Storage of cord blood and cord carries a number of benefits.
This issue is one of the more difficult decisions for Parents, which is why it is worth getting to know them beforehand.
The first is that the administration of stem cells gives access to a new, innovative therapy that can improve health and save lives.
In addition, the units are always compatible with the toddler’s body, saving valuable time that would have been spent searching for a donor. What’s more, umbilical cord stem cells are almost always compatible with the system of other relatives – Parents, siblings or even grandparents. Stem cell therapy opens up a number of possibilities, making the patient’s prognosis better. This is because it is possible to transplant them in situations where other methods have failed.
We are talking here especially about cancerous diseases, such as, among others.
breast cancer and kidney cancer, among others.
Cord blood and stem cell banking – Katowice
The banking of umbilical cord stem cells and cord blood can make a difference in a child’s future.
This is because of their content – for they are a precious source of stem cells, which, compared to those from bone marrow, have a much greater ability to differentiate into other cell types.
Most importantly, these specialized units are always compatible with the toddler’s system, and their shelf life is practically lifelong. At PBKM, we store both of these materials so that we can isolate the stem cells from them if necessary. Although cord blood and cord were once considered waste, today they are a safeguard for the future of the baby and other family members.

Umbilical cord blood and cord collection – a layette for the future
Stem cell treatment is a chance for a fruitful life, which will be filled with a mass of happy memories.
However, it is worth remembering that the collection of materials takes place after birth, so the opportunity to perform the procedure happens occasionally, if not once.
And have you already secured your family?
Feel free to contact our representative in Katowice, Silesia, who will try to dispel all doubts.