PBKM – a socially responsible company
PBKM, as a leader in cord blood cell banking in Poland and Europe, is a socially responsible company.
We feel obliged to help the most needy families affected by severe illness.
We enable and finance cord blood donations to the public bank.
In addition, PBKM has the option of waiving most of the fee for cord blood donation, under the “Donation to the Rescue” program.
Public cord blood bank
The public cord blood bank is a place where you can donate cord blood if you don’t want to have it for your family.
The main goal is to increase the stock of cord blood stored in Poland, and thus increase access to treatment for those in need outside the family.
PBKM’s partner in this campaign is the Ministry of Health.
The cost of operating the public bank, from its own funds, is covered by PBKM.

As part of this initiative, PBKM enables cord blood donation at selected hospitals in Warsaw and conducts an annual nationwide Cord Blood Days campaign at selected hospitals, nationwide.
Parents who choose to donate cord blood to the public bank are choosing to make a beautiful gesture.
They are donating precious stem cells that can save someone’s life and health, but unlike family banking- they are relinquishing rights to it.
This means that they do not bear the cost of obtaining and storing the cord blood, but they give up the possibility of using it if the need arises in the future.
Download to Rescue Program
The program is organized by the Polish Stem Cell Bank to save the lives and health of seriously ill children.
The program is open to families who have a seriously ill child and wish to collect cord blood at the birth of their next offspring and use it for treatment.
The only costs they incur are a portion of the preparation fee and banking costs when the blood is stored for more than a year.

How to join the Cord Blood Donation to the Rescue Program?
Parents (or legal guardians) present PBKM with documents an extract from the child’s medical history with the diagnosis or a certificate from the attending physician that the child can be treated with stem cells, and an application to join the Cord Blood Donation Program to the Rescue.
The above documents should be sent to PBKM’s address.
Upon approval of the application, PBKM will exempt Parents from a significant portion of the fees (basic fee and banking of less than one year).