Polski Bank
Stem Cells (PBKM).
Polish Bank
Stem Cells (PBKM)
Polski Bank Komórek Macierzystych (PBKM) is the largest stem cell bank in Poland and Europe.
We store biological material from customers in dozens of European countries.
We also have the greatest experience in donating material for transplantation.
We have the most experience in preparing material for transplantation.
A decision for the long haul
When deciding to collect cord blood, parents are choosing a partner for years to come.
Therefore, when making the choice, one must be sure to choose the bank that will perform this service best.
The material must be safe for years, and the whole process performed in such a way that, if necessary, the best transplant clinics in Poland and the world will accept the material for transplantation.

Our mission is to provide access to innovative treatments from harvested stem cells to save the life and health of your child or other family members.
Our primary goal is to obtain and store stem cells from cord blood, placental blood and umbilical cord. Continued achievement of this goal is confirmed by extensive, documented experience in donating stem cells for transplantation in Poland and abroad. At every stage of our business, we strive to meet the highest technological and ethical standards to give our customers confidence that they have chosen a Partner they can trust for years to come. At Polski Bank of Stem Cells, we believe that being a responsible company is the right thing to do not only for the development of our business, but most importantly for the Parents who give us custody of the precious material collected during childbirth.

A key value guiding the Polish Stem Cell Bank is to respect the right of future Parents to make an informed decision regarding the possibility of obtaining during childbirth and storing stem cells from cord blood, placental blood and umbilical cord.
This is an attitude in line with the European Parliament’s resolution of 11.09.2012 on voluntary tissue and cell donation.